Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Self treatment of my pyogenic granuloma

This blog contains some rather icky pictures. I wouldn't suggest looking unless you're really curious about pyogenic granulomas. 

A Pyogenic Granuloma can look like this: (I'm not going to give all the details about what they are. Google it, and you'll find plenty of pictures and info along with advise to go see your dermatologist. It's isn't cancerous or harmful, just annoying and unsightly and can bleed like crazy.)

While I do not suggest self treatment of a pyogenic granuloma, I was determined to treat mine without the assistance of a doctor visit due to lack of insurance (please Obama care, kick in soon!). It was very frustrating to find help online. A lot of people said they had removed theirs with silver nitrate sticks but I didn't find anything helpful about how they did it or what to expect. So I am posting my experience. Once again, I do not suggest you follow my example. I am not a doctor, and I only did this after a lot of research (what I could find) and because I knew exactly what it was and why it had formed. I just wished someone had posted something like this for me.